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Diskusia:Abú Sumbul

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E-mail zaslaný na tému správneho názvu lokality:

Hello, The correct Arabic name with tashkeel is أَبُو سُمبُل, the romanized form according to UN romanization transiletration system Beirut 1972 is "Abū Sumbul" ... Kindly do not hesitate to contact us for any further question. With best regards

Eng. Ahmed Mohamed Kamel General Manager of GIS departement Centeral Agency For Public Mobilization And Statistics ADEGN Chair

Eng. Eman Orieby CAPMAS, IT sector, GIS departement Director of GIS gharbia branch UNGEGN Expert

Bronto (diskusia) 03:55, 22. apríl 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]