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Poznámka: Aby sa zmeny prejavili, po uložení musíte vymazať vyrovnávaciu pamäť vášho prehliadača. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: držte stlačený Shift a kliknite na Reload alebo stlačte buď Ctrl-F5 alebo Ctrl-R (Command-R na Macintosh); Konqueror:: kliknite na tlačidlo Reload alebo stlačte F5; Opera vymazať vyrovnávaciu pamäť prehliadača v ponuke Tools→Preferences; Internet Explorer: držte Ctrl a kliknite na Refresh alebo stlačte Ctrl-F5;

This is your RedWarn configuration file. It is recommended that you don't edit this yourself and use RedWarn preferences instead.
It is writen in JSON formatting and is excecuted every time RedWarn loads.

If somebody has asked you to add code to this page, DO NOT do so as it may comprimise your account and will be reverted as soon as any configuration value changes.

!!! Do not edit below this line unless you understand the risks! If rw.config isn't defined, this file will be reset. !!!
rw.config = {"lastVersion":"16"}; //</nowiki>