Friedan, Betty Rawalt, Marguerite 1895-
Ireton, Barbara
National Organization for Women
Federal Bar Association
Billington; National Organization for Women (NOW) founder and president Betty Naomi Goldstein Friedan (1921-2006); NOW co-chair and Washington, D.C., lobbyist Barbara Ireton (1932-1998); and feminist attorney Marguerite Rawalt (1895-1989). Rawalt was an attorney with the Internal Revenue Service, a former president of the Federal Bar Association, and a tireless advocate for women's rights.
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Smithsonian Institution Archives
(left to right): Billington; Betty Naomi Goldstein Friedan (1921-2006); Barbara Ireton; and Marguerite Rawalt (1895-1989)
Názov obrázka
90-105, 8, Portraits Fri; "Billington; National Organization for Women (NOW) founder and president Betty Naomi Goldstein Friedan (1921-2006); NOW co-chair and Washington, D.C., lobbyist Barbara Ireton; and feminist attorney Marguerite Rawalt (1895-1989). Rawalt was an attorney wit"
Krátky názov
Držiteľ autorských práv
Dátum a čas vytvorenia dát
11:26, 25. január 2011
Komentár súboru JPEG
90-105, 8, Portraits Fri; "Billington; National Organization for Women (NOW) founder and president Betty Naomi Goldstein Friedan (1921-2006); NOW co-chair and Washington, D.C., lobbyist Barbara Ireton; and feminist attorney Marguerite Rawalt (1895-1989). Rawalt was an attorney wit"