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PopisEarthenware figures playing liubo, Han Dynasty 4.JPG
A model Liubo board game with two figures on both sides gambling (unseen in this photo), made during the 1st century in the Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 AD).
The Metropolitan Museum of Art caption reads:
A popular game in the Han Dynasty, liubo involves two players who gamble using dice, counters, gaming pieces, and a marked board. The pottery figures exhibited in this case, together with the daily utensils, architecture models, and luxury goods exhibited in the other cases in the gallery, were used as tomb furnishings in ancient China. The liubo players, who are depicted at a dramatic moment in a heated game, represent Han Dynasty people's leisure activities as well as their desired life in the other world.
Self-made at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
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{{Information |Description=A model ''Liubo'' board game with two figures on both sides gambling (unseen in this photo), made during the 1st century in the Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 AD). The Metropolitan Museum of Art caption reads: <bloc
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Súbor:Earthenware figures playing liubo, Han Dynasty 4.JPG