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Súbor:Helst, Peace of Münster.jpg

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Bartholomeus van der Helst: Banquet at the Crossbowmen’s Guild in Celebration of the Treaty of Münster  wikidata:Q17341692 reasonator:Q17341692
Bartholomeus van der Helst  (1613–1670)  wikidata:Q380704 s:en:Author:Bartholomeus van der Helst
Bartholomeus van der Helst
Alternatívne názvy
Bartel van der Elst, Bartelmeus van der Elst, Bartholomeus van der Elst, Bartel van der Helst, Bartelmeus van der Helst, Bartel Verelst, Bartelmeus Verelst, Bartholomeus Verelst, Bartel Verhelst, Bartelmeus Verhelst, Bartholomeus Verhelst
Popis severonizozemský maliar a draughtsman
Dátum narodenia/úmrtia 1613 Edit this at Wikidata 16. prosince 1670 (pohřben)
Miesto narodenia/úmrtia Haarlem Edit this at Wikidata Amsterdam Edit this at Wikidata
Doba diela 1628–1670 (?)
Umiestnenie diela
Haarlem, Amsterdam (1636-1670)
Súbor autorít
artist QS:P170,Q380704
Jan Vos  (1610–1667)  wikidata:Q2049214
Jan Vos
Alternatívne názvy
Jan Jansz. Vos; Jan de Vos IV
Popis holandský básnik, dramatik, spisovateľ, sklář, inspicient a divadelní režisér
Dátum narodenia/úmrtia cca  Edit this at Wikidata júl 1667 Edit this at Wikidata
Miesto narodenia/úmrtia Amsterdam Edit this at Wikidata Amsterdam Edit this at Wikidata
Umiestnenie diela
Súbor autorít
artist QS:P170,Q2049214
Painting by Van der Helst, poem by Vos
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
The celebration of the peace of Münster, 18 June 1648, in the headquarters of the crossbowmen's civic guard (St George guard), Amsterdam.
Druh objektu maľba Edit this at Wikidata
Žáner schutterstuk Edit this at Wikidata
Celebration of the peace of Münster, 18 June 1648, in the headquarters of the crossbowmen's civic guard (St George guard), Amsterdam. The people portrayed are: (right, with silver horn) captain Cornelis Jansz. Witsen, (shakes hand of previous) lieutenant Johan Oetgens van Waveren, (seated behind the drum, with flag) reserve officer candidate Jacob Banning, sergeants Dirck Claesz. Thoveling and Thomas Hartog. Additionally: Pieter van Hoorn, Willem Pietersz. van der Voort, Adriaen Dirck Sparwer, Hendrick Calaber, Govert van der Mij, Johannes Calaber, Benedictus Schaesk, Jam Maes, Jacob van Diemen, Jan van Ommeren, Isaac Ooyens, Gerrit Pietersz. van Anstenraadt, Herman Teunisz. de Kluyter, Andries van ANstenraadt, Christoffel Poock, Hendrick Dommer Wz., Paulus Hennekijn, Lambregt van den Bos and Willem the drummer.
Dátum 1648
date QS:P571,+1648-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Technika Olej na plátne
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Rozmery výška: 232 cm; šírka: 547 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,232U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,547U174728
institution QS:P195,Q190804
room 2.8
Inventárne číslo
Historie 1808: lent to the Rijksmuseum v Amsterdamu, Amsterdam by city of Amsterdam
Vnitřní znaky

Poem :

Belloone walgt van bloedt / ja Mars vervloeckt het daveren / Van ’t zwangere metaal, / en 't zwaardt bemint de scheê: / Dies biedt de dapp’re Wits / aan d'eedele van Waveren / Op ’t eeuwig verbondt, /den hooren van de Vreê

Podpis a dátum :

Bartholomeus Vander Helst, fecit Aº 1648.

NeznámyUnknown author, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam online catalogue, as De schuttersmaaltijd in de Voetboog- of St. Jorisdoelen te Amsterdam ter viering van het sluiten van de vrede van Munster, 18 juni 1648, 1648.
NeznámyUnknown author, RKDimages, Art-work number 11709, as Schuttersmaaltijd in de Voetboog- of St. Jorisdoelen te Amsterdam ter viering van het sluiten van de Vrede van Münster, 18 juni 1648, 1648 NeznámyUnknown author, Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur, object 20016727, as Gastmahl der Schützengarde Sankt Georg in Amsterdam anläßlich des Westfälischen Friedens 1648, 1648
NeznámyUnknown author, Web Gallery of Art, as Celebration of the Peace of Münster, 1648, at the Crossbowmen's Headquarters, 1648.

Domenicus-van Soest, Marleen (2003) Les Chefs-d'oeuvre. Guide [], [Amsterdam]: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, p. 10, as Le Banquet de la guilde des arabalétriers pour célébrer la Paix de Münster.
Ďalšie verzie
File:Bartholomeus van der Helst, Banquet of the Amsterdam Civic Guard in Celebration of the Peace of Münster.jpg
Version from the Rijksmuseum online catalog
File:Bartholomeus van der Helst - Celebration of the Peace of Münster, 1648, at the Crossbowmen's Headquarters - WGA11339.jpg
Version from


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aktuálna22:05, 20. jún 2017Náhľad verzie z 22:05, 20. jún 20178 756 × 3 622 (8,64 MB)PimbrilsBetter version, higher resolution
20:06, 8. október 2008Náhľad verzie z 20:06, 8. október 20081 600 × 676 (165 KB)Vincent Steenberg{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
22:29, 16. máj 2005Náhľad verzie z 22:29, 16. máj 20051 555 × 670 (192 KB)Gdr''Banquet of the Amsterdam Civic Guard in Celebration of the Peace of M�ünster'' by Bartholomeus van der Helst, painted 1648. {{PD-art}} From []

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