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Súbor:Mahatma-Gandhi, studio, 1931.jpg

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English: Studio photograph of Mahatma Gandhi, London, 1931.
Elliott & Fry    wikidata:Q3502848
Elliott & Fry
Alternatívne názvy
Joseph John Elliott and Clarence Edmund Fry
Popis britský fotograf
British photographic portrait studio
Dátum narodenia/úmrtia Elliott: 14. októbra 1835
Fry: 1840
Elliott: 30. marca 1903
Fry: 1897
Doba diela od 60. roky 19. storočia
date QS:P,+1860-00-00T00:00:00Z/8
do 60. roky 20. storočia
date QS:P,+1960-00-00T00:00:00Z/8
Umiestnenie diela
Studios in London (55 & 56 Baker Street)
Súbor autorít
creator QS:P170,Q3502848
(Využívanie tohto súboru)
Copyright expired 50 years after publication. It was most probably published in USA at the time.

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This UK artistic or literary work, of which the author is unknown and cannot be ascertained by reasonable enquiry, is in the public domain because it is one of the following:
  • A photograph, which has never previously been made available to the public (e.g. by publication or display at an exhibition) and which was taken more than 70 years ago (before 1 January 1955); or
  • A photograph, which was made available to the public (e.g. by publication or display at an exhibition) more than 70 years ago (before 1 January 1955); or
  • An artistic work other than a photograph (e.g. a painting), or a literary work, which was made available to the public (e.g. by publication or display at an exhibition) more than 70 years ago (before 1 January 1955).

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Unpublished anonymous paintings remain in copyright until at least 1 January 2040. This tag does not apply to engravings or musical works. More information
Possibly copyrighted in the U.S. The publication history of this work is unknown. It was created in 1931. Unless it was published before thirty days in the U.S. after its original publication in the source country, this work may not be in the public domain in the United States because its U.S. copyright was restored by the URAA as it was still copyrighted in its source country (Spojené kráľovstvo) on the URAA date (1. januára 1996). In most cases, it is copyrighted in the U.S. until 95 years after the year in which it was initially published (exceptions are works published after 1977; see Commons:Hirtle chart). This template may not be used for files uploaded after 1 March 2012.

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aktuálna13:14, 26. február 2019Náhľad verzie z 13:14, 26. február 20192 620 × 3 270 (3,1 MB)Yannsome noise reduction
13:08, 26. február 2019Náhľad verzie z 13:08, 26. február 20192 620 × 3 270 (1,85 MB)Yann
13:00, 26. február 2019Náhľad verzie z 13:00, 26. február 20191 500 × 1 872 (699 KB)Yann
11:57, 26. február 2019Náhľad verzie z 11:57, 26. február 2019875 × 1 092 (180 KB)Yann{{Information |Description={{en|Studio photograph of Mohandas K. Gandhi, London, 1931.}} |Source= |Date=1931 |Author=Central Press |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:Mohandas K. Gandhi in 1931 Category:Mohandas K. Gandhi in England Category:Files uploaded by Yann Forget

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