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This photograph was taken by author Stefan Krause. If you would like to use one of my picture, please send me a wiki email (wiki account necessary) or leave a message on my user profile, or send me a email direct to: my email account.
Please take note of and stick to the license agreement. The important requirements of the LAL (Licence Art Libre) are:
Obligation to state the name of the author, in a way that a distinct assignment to the artwork is given;
Referring to the license used and giving easy access to the license text, either by hyperlink, printing the hyperlink, or printing of the license agreement text;
Any kind of variant of a photograph published under this license has to be published under the same license;
Other license agreements can be discussed upon request.
Pridajte jednoriadkové vysvetlenie, čo tento súbor predstavuje
== Summary == {{Information |Description ={{de|1=Mike Ness, Sänger und Gitarrist von Social Distortion beim Festival, Rocco del Schlacko 2012.}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Ritchyblack - Stefan Krause |Date ...
Tento súbor obsahuje ďalšie informácie, pravdepodobne pochádzajúce z digitálneho fotoaparátu či skenera, ktorý ho vytvoril alebo digitalizoval. Ak bol súbor zmenený, niektoré podrobnosti sa nemusia plne zhodovať so zmeneným súborom.