We read about the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) on Trip Advisor - it was the top rated attraction in Phoenix - and now we can see why! The museum is dedicated to musical instruments from around the world - the collection is fascinating, the exhibits are great and the hands-on displays were fun. We spent almost 5 hours here and still felt rushed - this place is definitely worth a detour.
I know nothing about musical instruments so if you happen to know what a particular instrument is, please feel free to comment on it. I tried to include as many labels as possible.
The museum is in Phoenix, AZ - we visited it in March 2014.
Musical instruments on display at the MIM (14165326597).jpg ‘Ûd (1960-1973, Mal..., Israel)
‘Ūd (1900, Istanbul, Turkey) by Manolis “Manol” Venios (maker), formerly owned by virtuoso “udi” John Bilezikjian - MIM PHX (2022-04-06 02.18.59 by Terry Ballard).jpg
‘Ûd (1900, Istanbul, Turkey) by Manolis “Manol” Venios
Musical instruments on display at the MIM (14351815955).jpg ‘Ûd (1964, Turkey)
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Copyright@Frank Kovalchek 2014
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72 dpi
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04:04, 1. jún 2014
Verzia IIM
Súbor:Musical instruments on display at the MIM (14351815955).jpg