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English: Composite colour-coded image of another magnificent spiral galaxy, NGC 7424, at a distance of 40 million light-years. It is based on images obtained with the multi-mode VIMOS instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) in three different wavelength bands. The image covers 6.5 x 7.2 square arcminutes on the sky. North is up and East is to the right.
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(Využívanie tohto súboru)
This media was created by the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
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1. december 2004

5 189 618 bajt

2 103 obrazový prvok

1 887 obrazový prvok



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aktuálna22:57, 26. apríl 2009Náhľad verzie z 22:57, 26. apríl 20091 887 × 2 103 (4,95 MB)Fabian RRRR{{Information |Description={{en|1=Composite colour-coded image of another magnificent spiral galaxy, NGC 7424, at a distance of 40 million light-years. It is based on images obtained with the multi-mode VIMOS instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VL

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