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Výrobca zariadenia
Model zariadenia
Canon EOS R5
Expozičný čas
1/800 sekundy (0,00125)
Číslo F
Rýchlostné ohodnotenie ISO
2 000
Dátum a čas vytvorenia dát
12:19, 15. jún 2024
Ohnisková vzdialenosť objektívu
400 mm
Mesto zobrazené
Krátky názov
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak attends Trooping of the Colour
Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street
Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street
No 10 Downing Street
Názov obrázka
15/06/2024. London, United Kingdom. His majesty King Charles III and members of the Royal family attend the Trooping of the Colour to celebrate the King's birthday on Horse Guards Parade. Picture by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak attends Trooping of the Colour
Držiteľ autorských práv
Crown copyright. Licensed under the Open Government Licence
Podmienky použitia
This image is for Editorial use purposes only. The Image can not be used for advertising or commercial use. The Image can not be altered in any form.All images are Crown copyright and re-usable under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit: marked as the copyright of a third party may only be re-used with permission from the rights holder.
This image is for Editorial use purposes only. The Image can not be used for advertising or commercial use. The Image can not be altered in any form.
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