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PopisSt Charles Borromeo Seminary Chapel in Košice.jpg
English: St Charles Borromeo Seminary Chapel in Košice.
View of the chapel sanctuary.
On the wall is a mosaic depicting the scene from the Holy Gospel of Mark, Mk 3:13-14 "Jesus [...] called for those he wanted [...] so that they would be with him..." The golden tabernacle is in the center of the mosaic.
On the far left is a statue of St Charles Borromeo.
On the far right is an icon of Holy Mary of Obišovce.
The altar is in the middle. On the left side of the altar is a meter high marble rock with marble waves pouring out to the right side depicting the scene from the book of Numbers, where Moses struck the rock and out poured water for Israel, Nm 20:11. Nm 20:11 is a theological symbol for Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. To emphasize this point, the Crucifix rests upon the rock.
The pulpit on the right has front in the form of an open book - God's Word.
St Charles Borromeo Seminary Chapel in Košice - Personally took this panoramic photograph
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{{subst:Upload marker added by en.wp UW}} {{Information |Description = {{en|St Charles Borromeo Seminary Chapel in Košice. View of the chapel sanctuary. On the wall is a mosaic depicting the scene from the Holy Gospel of Mark, Mk 3:13-14 "Jesus [......
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