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Súbor:Ylppö ja Lastenlinna 1945.jpg

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Pôvodný súbor (704 × 940 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 166 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)

Tento zdieľaný súbor je z Wikimedia Commons a je možné ho používať na iných projektoch. Nižšie sú zobrazené informácie z popisnej stránky súboru.


English: Doctor Arvo Ylppö in 1945
Suomi: Arvo Ylppö vuonna 1945 aloitettaessa keräys Lastenlinnan rakentamiseksi.
Autor NeznámýUnknown author
Ďalšie verzie
Cropped version


Public domain This image is in the public domain because the Finnish Copyright law of 2005 specifies that all ”works of art” become public domain 70 years after the death of the creator, or 70 years after the date of publication of an anonymous work if the identity of the author was never disclosed within 70 years from publication.

Note: Photographs which are not considered to be works of art and are created before January 1, 1966 are in the public domain (§49a). See {{PD-Finland50}} for details. This template claims only that the image is public domain in Finland. An additional template should be included to explain why the image is public domain in the United States.
To uploader: If you know, please provide where the image was first published and who created it.

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Arvo Ylppö in 1945

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