Šablóna:Bar box
{{bar box}}, {{bar percent}} and {{bar pixel}} are a family of templates for construction of horizontal bar charts.
{{Bar box |width = width of the graph (optional) |barwidth= width of the bararea (optional, defaults to 100px) |float = (left|right|none) (optional, defaults to none) |title = title of the chart (optional) |titlebar= title bar colour (optional, defaults to none) |left1 = first left column header (optional) |left2 = second left column header (optional) |right1 = first right column header (optional) |right2 = second right column header (optional) |bars = chart contents(see below) |caption = caption under the chart (optional)} }}
Chart contents
Bar box can contain any number of bars. There are two types of bars:
- Percentage bar:
{{bar percent|row label|colour|value (width in percents)|optional value label}}
If value label is not provided, it is constructed from the percentage and "%".
- Pixel bar:
{{bar pixel|row label|colour|value (width in pixels)|value suffix|optional value label}}
If value label is provided, value suffix is ignored. Otherwise, the value label is constructed from the value and the value suffix. This is used as shorthand. Both following examples give identical results:
{{bar pixel|foo|red|12||12,345}} {{bar pixel|foo|red|12|3,45}}
Príklady použitia
{{bar box | width = 300px | title = Spotreba ovocia | titlebar = #ddd | caption = Spotreba ovocia v roku 2014 | bars = {{bar percent|Jablká|red|55.0}} {{bar percent|Hrušky|green|20.0}} {{bar percent|Slivky|blue|10.0}} {{bar percent|ostatné|#EEE3D2|15.0}} }}
Spotreba ovocia | ||||
Jablká | 55,0 % | |||
Hrušky | 20,0 % | |||
Slivky | 10,0 % | |||
ostatné | 15,0 % | |||
Spotreba ovocia v roku 2014 |
Pozri aj
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