Príspevky redaktora Dyolf77
používateľa Dyolf77 diskusia záznam blokovaní nahrané súbory záznamy kniha globálních zablokování globální účet záznam zneužití
Redaktor s 21 úpravami. Účet vytvorený 14. marec 2013.
28. marec 2019
- 20:3120:31, 28. marec 2019 rozdiel história +81 d Portál:Matematika/Denné udalosti/12 12 (GR) Duplicate: File:Harry Igor Ansoff, 1971.jpg → File:Conferentie met Ass. Business Ltd. en Verbond Nederlandse Ondernemingen in RAI A, Bestanddeelnr 925-1742.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Conferentie met Ass. Business Ltd. en Verbond Nederlandse Ondernemingen in RAI A, Bestanddeelnr 925-1742.jpg aktuálne
9. február 2018
- 00:0100:01, 9. február 2018 rozdiel história +38 d Falcon Heavy Demonstration Mission (GR) File renamed: File:Falcon Heavy Demo Mission (40143096241).jpg → File:20180206-184141-elon-musk-tesla-roadster-falcon-heavy-demo-mission-side-earth.jpg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) ·…
- 00:0000:00, 9. február 2018 rozdiel história +44 d Falcon Heavy Demonstration Mission (GR) File renamed: File:Falcon Heavy Demo Mission (40110304192).jpg → File:20180206-193930-elon-musk-tesla-roadster-falcon-heavy-demo-mission-front-earth-last.jpg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s reque…
2. február 2018
- 01:5101:51, 2. február 2018 rozdiel história 0 d Orbitál (GR) File renamed: File:D3M2.png → File:D3xy.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The depicted orbital cannot be attributed the quantum number m=2, it would have to consist of a ring then. D3xy is the corr…
- 01:5101:51, 2. február 2018 rozdiel história 0 d Orbitál (GR) File renamed: File:D3M1.png → File:D3xz.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The depicted orbital cannot be attributed the quantum number m=1, it would have to consist of two rings then. D3xz is the c…
- 01:5001:50, 2. február 2018 rozdiel história −2 d Orbitál (GR) File renamed: File:P4M-1.png → File:P4y.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The depicted orbital cannot be attributed the quantum number m=-1, it would have to be a ring then. P4y is the correct desc…
- 01:5001:50, 2. február 2018 rozdiel história −2 d Orbitál (GR) File renamed: File:P3M-1.png → File:P3y.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The depicted orbital cannot be attributed the quantum number m=-1, it would have to be a ring then. P3y is the correct desc…
- 01:4801:48, 2. február 2018 rozdiel história −1 d Orbitál (GR) File renamed: File:P2M1.png → File:P2x.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The depicted orbital cannot be attributed the quantum number m=1, it would have to be a ring then. P2x is the correct descri…
- 01:4801:48, 2. február 2018 rozdiel história −1 d Orbitál (GR) File renamed: File:D3M-1.png → File:D3yz.png Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The depicted orbital cannot be attributed the quantum number m=-1, it would have to consist of two rings then. D3yz is the…
29. január 2018
- 00:3000:30, 29. január 2018 rozdiel história +1 d Apollo 5 (GR) Duplicate: File:S67-50927.jpg → File:Lm1 ground.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Lm1 ground.jpg
- 00:3000:30, 29. január 2018 rozdiel história +1 d Portál:Kozmonautika/Obrázok týždňa/3 2017 (GR) Duplicate: File:S67-50927.jpg → File:Lm1 ground.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Lm1 ground.jpg
- 00:2300:23, 29. január 2018 rozdiel história −7 d Apollo 6 (GR) Duplicate: File:Saturn V Stages 1 and 2.jpg → File:Ap6-MSFC-6758331.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Ap6-MSFC-6758331.jpg
19. január 2018
- 17:4017:40, 19. január 2018 rozdiel história +11 d Wikipédia:WikiProjekt Česko-slovenská Wikipédia/Preložené články/2014-09/Galéria (GR) File renamed: File:JLGuezdeBalzac.jpg → File:Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error)
- 17:4017:40, 19. január 2018 rozdiel história +11 d Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac (GR) File renamed: File:JLGuezdeBalzac.jpg → File:Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error)
- 17:4017:40, 19. január 2018 rozdiel história +11 d Portál:Literatúra/Obrázok týždňa/2 2015 (GR) File renamed: File:JLGuezdeBalzac.jpg → File:Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac.jpg Criterion 3 (obvious error)
18. január 2018
- 01:2601:26, 18. január 2018 rozdiel história +37 d Auditorium Building (GR) File renamed: File:Auditorium Building17.jpg → File:Chicago Auditorium Building, exterior from Michigan Avenue.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)
29. január 2017
- 17:0017:00, 29. január 2017 rozdiel história +26 d Portál:Šport/Denné udalosti/10 25 (GR) File renamed: File:Abebe Bikila 1972.jpg → File:Abebe Bikila in a 1972 Italian trading card.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:…
19. február 2015
- 12:0012:00, 19. február 2015 rozdiel história 0 d Piatnitzkysaurus (GR) File renamed: File:Piatnitskysaurus NT.jpg → File:Piatnitzkysaurus NT.jpg File renaming criterion #4: Change meaningless bio-names into binomial scientific names.
28. január 2015
- 22:0422:04, 28. január 2015 rozdiel história +48 d Dekonštruktivizmus (architektúra) (Script) File renamed: File:Paris r (26).JPG → File:Sculpture à Parc de la Villette, Paris, France juillet 2010.jpg replacing bad name
23. apríl 2013
- 19:4619:46, 23. apríl 2013 rozdiel história 0 d Miguel Indurain File renamed: File:Miguel Indurain (Tour de France 2003).jpg → File:Miguel Indurain (Tour de France 1993).jpg File renaming criterion #3: Correct misleading names into accurate ones.This picture...
31. marec 2013
- 22:0822:08, 31. marec 2013 rozdiel história +27 d EPROM File renamed: File:Eprom32k.jpg → File:ST Microelectronics M27C256B (2006).jpg File renaming criterion #2: Change from completely meaningless names into suitable names, according to what the ima... aktuálne