Atari Flashback

Atari Flashback je vyhradená herná konzola, ktorú vyrábala spoločnosť Atari v rokoch 2004-2011 a neskôr of roku 2011 firma AtGames pod licenciou Atari. Sú to Plug and Play verzie klasických konzol Atari 7800 a Atari 2600. Namiesto ROM cartridgov majú hry vstavené.
Systémy napája sieťový zdroj, obsahujú pár joystickov a používajú štandardný kompozitný video výstup a RCA konektory na pripojenie k televízoru.
Atari Flashback 1
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Pôvodná konzola pripomínala Atari 7800 a obsahovala 20 hier pre Atari 7800 a Atari 2600.
Dodané hry:
Atari Flashback 2
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 2 bola vydaná v roku 2005 a pripomínala pôvodnú konzolu Atari 2600. Má vstavaných 40 hier pre Atari 2600 a niekoľko novovytvorených hier.
Dodané hry:
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Haunted House
- Return to Haunted House
- Secret Quest
- Wizard (nevydaný prototyp)
- Arcade Asteroids (hack)
- Arcade Pong
- Asteroids Deluxe (exclusive)
- Battlezone
- Centipede
- Lunar Lander (exclusive)
- Millipede
- Missile Command
- Space Duel (exclusive)
- 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
- Aquaventure (nevydaný prototyp)
- Atari Climber (nová)
- Combat
- Combat 2 (nevydaný prototyp)
- Dodge 'Em
- Fatal Run (iba v Európe)
- Frog Pond (nevydaný prototyp)
- Hangman
- Human Cannonball
- Maze Craze
- Off the Wall
- Outlaw
- Pitfall! (Activision)
- Radar Lock
- River Raid (Activision)
- Save Mary (nevydaný prototyp)
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Caverns of Mars (exclusive)
- Quadrun
- Saboteur (nevydaný prototyp)
- Space War
- Yars' Return
- Yars' Revenge
- Super Breakout
- Warlords
Atari Flashback 2+
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Bola vydaná v roku 2010, odstránilo sa 5 hier:
- Pitfall!
- River Raid
- Wizard
- Caverns of Mars
- Atari Climber
a pridalo sa 6 nových:
- Realsports Boxing
- Realsports Soccer
- Super Baseball
- Super Football
- Double Dunk
- Circus Atari
Atari Flashback 3
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 3 bola uvedená v roku 2011 firmou AtGames a obsahuje 60 hier pre Atari 2600, 2 joysticky a podobá sa na Flashback 2, pričom má porty na joysticky vpredu, nemá B/W prepínač a má mierne odlišné tvary. Interne používa emuláciu na procesore ARM namiesto pôvodného hardvéru "2600 na čipe" a nie je možné ho upraviť na čítanie pôvodných cartridgov.
Dodané hry:
- 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Air-Sea Battle
- Aquaventure
- Asteroids
- Backgammon
- Basketball
- Battlezone
- Bowling
- Canyon Bomber
- Centipede
- Championship Soccer
- Circus Atari
- Combat
- Combat 2
- Demons to Diamonds
- Desert Falcon
- Dodge 'Em
- Double Dunk
- Fatal Run
- Flag Capture
- Frog Pond
- Fun with Numbers
- Golf
- Gravitar
- Hangman
- Haunted House
- Home Run
- Human Cannonball
- Maze Craze
- Miniature Golf
- Missile Command
- Night Driver
- Off the Wall
- Outlaw
- Realsports Baseball
- Realsports Basketball
- Realsports Soccer
- Realsports Volleyball
- Saboteur
- Save Mary
- Secret Quest
- Sky Diver
- Space War
- Sprintmaster
- Star Ship
- Steeplechase
- Submarine Commander
- Super Baseball
- Super Breakout
- Super Football
- Surround
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Video Pinball
- Wizard
- Yars' Revenge
Atari Flashback 4
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 4 vyšla v roku 2012 a obsahuje bezdrôtové ovládače a 75 hier.
Nové hry:
- Breakout
- Crystal Castles
- Football
- Front Line (nie pôvodná 2600 verzia)
- Jungle Hunt (nie pôvodná 2600 verzia)
- Polaris (nie pôvodná 2600 verzia)
- Pong
- Return to Haunted House
- Slot Machine
- Slot Racers
- Space Invaders (nie pôvodná 2600 verzia)
- Stellar Track
- Street Racer
- Tempest
- Warlords
Hra Secret Quest bola nahradená hrou Black Jack.
Atari Flashback 64
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Vydaná bola v roku 2013 a obsahovala iba 64 hier.
Odstránené hry:
- Blackjack
- Breakout
- Crystal Castles
- Football
- Millipede
- Pong Sports
- Return to Haunted House
- Slot Machine
- Slot Racers
- Stellar Track
- Street Racer
- Tempest
Atari Flashback 5
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 5 vyšla v roku 2014 a obsahuje 92 hier.
Nové hry:
- Air Raiders
- Armor Ambush
- Astroblast
- Dark Cavern
- Frogs and Flies
- International Soccer
- Super Challenge Baseball
- Super Challenge Football
- Space Attack
- Star Strike
- Sea Battle
- Sword Fight
- Chase It
- Escape It
- Miss It
- Shield Shifter
- Strip Off
Hra Battlezone bola nahradená hrou Millipede.
Atari Flashback 6
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 6 vyšla v roku 2015 a obsahuje rovných 100 hier.
Nové hry:
- Atari Climber
- Indy 500
- MotoRodeo
- Radar Lock
- Secret Quest
- Solaris
- Swordquest: Waterworld
- Yars' Return
Atari Flashback 7
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 7 vyšla v roku 2016 a obsahuje navyše hru Frogger, nie však pôvodnú verziu 2600. Celkovo teda obsahuje 101 hier.
Atari Flashback 8
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 8 vyšla v roku 2017 a znova obsahuje drôtové ovládače a 105 hier.
Nové hry:
- H.E.R.O.
- Kaboom!
- Pitfall!
- Pressure Cooker
- River Raid
Odstránené hry:
- Strip Off
Atari Flashback 8 Gold
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 8 Gold obsahuje 120 hier. Nové hry sú:
- Beamrider
- Chopper Command
- Cosmic Commuter
- Crackpots
- Decathlon
- Dragster
- Enduro
- Fishing Derby
- Frostbite
- Keystone Kapers
- Megamania
- Oink!
- Seaquest
- Stampede
- Starmaster
Atari Flashback 8 Gold Activision Edition
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 8 Gold Activision Edition obsahuje 130 hier a 2 drôtové joysticky a HDMI. Nové hry sú:
- Atlantis
- Boxing
- Bridge
- Checkers
- Demon Attack
- Dolphin
- Dragonfire
- Freeway
- Grand Prix
- Ice Hockey
- Laser Blast
- Plaque Attack
- Private Eye
- River Raid II
- Skiing
- Sky Jinks
- Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space
- Spider Fighter
- Tennis
Odstránené hry:
- Chase It
- Escape It
- Frogger
- Front Line
- Jungle Hunt
- Miss It
- Polaris
- Shield Shifter
- Space Invaders
Atari Flashback 9
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 9 vyšla v roku 2018, obsahuje drôtové ovládače a 110 hier. Obsahuje slot pre SD karty na aktualizácie firmvéru, sťahovanie hier a ukladanie pozícií.
Dodané hry:
- 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Air·SeaBattle
- Amidar
- Aquaventure
- Asteroids
- Asteroids Deluxe
- Atari Climber
- Backgammon
- Basketball
- Beamrider
- Black Jack
- Bowling
- Breakout
- Canyon Bomber
- Centipede
- Championship Soccer
- Chopper Command
- Circus Atari
- Combat
- Combat Two
- Cosmic Commuter
- Crackpots
- Crystal Castles
- Decathlon
- Demons to Diamonds
- Desert Falcon
- Dodge ’Em
- Double Dunk
- Dragster
- Enduro
- Fatal Run
- Fishing Derby
- Flag Capture
- Football
- Frog Pond
- Frogger
- Front Line
- Frostbite
- Fun with Numbers
- Golf
- Gravitar
- Gyruss
- H.E.R.O.
- Hangman
- Haunted House
- Home Run
- Human Cannonball
- Indy 500
- Jungle Hunt
- Kaboom!
- Keystone Kapers
- Maze Craze
- Megamania
- Millipede
- Miniature Golf
- Missile Command
- MotoRodeo
- Night Driver
- Off the Wall
- Oink!
- Outlaw
- Pitfall!
- Polaris
- Pong (Video Olympics)
- Pooyan
- Pressure Cooker
- Radar Lock
- Realsports Baseball
- Realsports Basketball
- Realsports Soccer
- Realsports Volleyball
- Return to Haunted House
- River Raid
- Saboteur
- Save Mary
- Seaquest
- Secret Quest
- Sky Diver
- Slot Machine
- Slot Racers
- Solaris
- Space Invaders
- Space War
- Sprintmaster
- Stampede
- Star Ship
- Starmaster
- Steeplechase
- Stellar Track
- Street Racer
- Submarine Commander
- Super Baseball
- Super Breakout
- Super Football
- Surround
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Swordquest: Waterworld
- Tempest
- Track & Field
- Tutankham
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Video Pinball
- Warlords
- Wizard
- Yars’ Return
- Yars’ Revenge
Atari Flashback 9 Gold
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback 9 Gold má 120 hier a namiesto drôtových má bezdrôtové ovládače a obsahuje 720p HDMI výstup. Navyše obsahuje hry:
- Atari Video Cube
- Burger Time
- Burnin’ Rubber
- Chase It!
- Escape It!
- Freeway
- Lock ‘n Chase
- Miss It!
- Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
- Shield Shifter
- Space Raid
- Strip Off
Odstránené hry:
- Fishing Derby
- Oink!
Atari Flashback X
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]
Atari Flashback X vyšla v roku 2019, obsahuje drôtové ovládače a 110 hier. Prešla najväčším redizajnom, pričom namiesto tlačidiel obsahuje pákové prepínače, ktoré pripomínajú pôvodné prepínače v Atari 2600. Neobsahuje slot pre SD karty, existuje však neoficiálna možnosť úpravy na podporu externých USB diskov na vlastné hry.[1]
Dodané hry: Tučným sú uvedené nové hry oproti Flashback 9, prečiarknuté sú odstránené hry.[2]
- 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Air·Sea Battle
- Amidar
- Aquaventure
- Asteroids
- Asteroids Deluxe
- Atari Climber
- Basketball
- Beamrider
- Black Jack
- Bowling
- Breakout
- Burger Time
- Burnin’ Rubber
- Canyon Bomber
- Centipede
- Championship Soccer
- Chopper Command
- Circus Atari
- Combat
- Combat Two
- Cosmic Commuter
- Crackpots
- Crystal Castles
- Decathlon
- Demons to Diamonds
- Desert Falcon
- Dodge ‘Em
- Double Dunk
- Dragster
- Enduro
- Fatal Run
- Fishing Derby
- Flag Capture
- Football
Frog Pond
- Frogger
- Front Line
- Frostbite
Fun with Numbers
- Golf
- Gravitar
- Gyruss
- H.E.R.O.
- Hangman
- Haunted House
- Home Run
- Human Cannonball
- Indy 500
- Jungle Hunt
- Kaboom!
- Keystone Kapers
- Lock ‘n’ Chase
- Maze Craze
- Megamania
- Millipede
- Miniature Golf
- Missile Command
- MotoRodeo
- Night Driver
- Off-the-Wall
- Oink!
- Outlaw
- Pitfall!
- Polaris
- Pong (Video Olympics)
- Pooyan
- Pressure Cooker
- Radar Lock
- Realsports Baseball
- Realsports Basketball
- Realsports Soccer
- Realsports Volleyball
- Return to Haunted House
- River Raid
- Saboteur
- Save Mary
- Seaquest
- Secret Quest
- Sky Diver
Slot Machine
- Slot Racers
- Solaris
- Space Invaders
- Space Raid
- Space War
- Sprintmaster
- Stampede
- Star Ship
- Starmaster
- Steeplechase
- Stellar Track
- Street Racer
- Submarine Commander
- Super Baseball
- Super Breakout
- Super Cobra
- Super Football
- Surround
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Swordquest: Waterworld
- Tempest
Track & Field
- Tutankham
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Video Pinball
- Warlords
- Wizard
- Yars’ Return
- Yars’ Revenge
Atari Flashback X Deluxe
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Špeciálna verzia Atari Flashback X Deluxe obsahuje navyše 10 hier:
- Backgammon
- Chase It
- Escape It
- Frog Pond
- Fun with Numbers
- Marine Wars
- Miss It
- Shield Shifter
- Slot Machine
- Strategy X
Atari Flashback 50th Anniversary Edition
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]
Atari Flashback 50th Anniversary Edition bolo vydané v roku 2022. Fyzicky je to mierne farebne upravená verzia Atari Flashback X. Obsahuje mosadzné prepínače namiesto chrómových a má logo Atari 50th na drevenom obložení dyhy. Ako predošlé verzie, vyrába ju AtGames.
Základný model obsahuje dva drôtové joysticky a 110 hier Gold model obsahuje dva drôtové joysticky, dva drôtové paddle ovládače a 130 hier.
Atari Flashback Portable
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback Portable bola uvedená v novembri 2016 a je to prenosný systém so 60 zabudovanými hrami a slotom pre SD kartu na stiahnuté hry. Má 3,2" LCD displej, AV výstupný port a mini USB nabíjací port.
Obsahuje hry:[3]
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Air Raiders
- Aquaventure
- Asteroids
- Astroblast
- Atari Climber
- Black Jack
- Bowling
- Breakout
- Centipede
- Circus Atari
- Crystal Castles
- Dark Cavern
- Demons to Diamonds
- Desert Falcon
- Dodge’Em
- Double Dunk
- Fatal Run
- Frog Pond
- Frogger
- Frogs and Flies
- Fun with Numbers
- Golf
- Gravitar
- Hangman
- Haunted House
- Human Cannonball
- Millipede
- Miniature Golf
- Miss It!
- Missile Command
- Night Driver
- Pong (Video Olympics)
- Radar Lock
- Realsports Basketball
- Return to Haunted House
- Saboteur
- Save Mary
- Secret Quest
- Shield Shifter
- Slot Machine
- Solaris
- Space Attack
- Star Strike
- Starship
- Stellar Track
- Strip Off
- Submarine Commander
- Super Breakout
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Swordquest: Waterworld
- Tempest
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Video Pinball
- Wizard
- Yars’ Return
- Yars’ Revenge
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback Portable 2017 je druhá generácia Flashback Portable, ktorá bola uvedená v septembri 2017. Obsahuje 70 hier, pričom navyše sú hry Dig Dug, Galaxian, Pac-Man a Xevious. Verzia Pac-Man je homebrew port, ktorá viac pripomína pôvodnú arcade verziu a nie Atari 2600 port.
Obsahuje hry:[4]
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Air Raiders
- Aquaventure
- Asteroids
- Astroblast
- Atari Climber
- Black Jack
- Bowling
- Breakout
- Centipede
- Chase It
- Circus Atari
- Crystal Castles
- Dark Cavern (Night Stalker)
- Demons to Diamonds
- Desert Falcon
- Dig Dug
- Dodge ‘Em
- Double Dunk
- Fatal Run
- Frog Pond
- Frogger
- Frogs and Flies
- Fun with Numbers
- Galaxian
- Golf
- Gravitar
- Hangman
- Haunted House
- Human Cannonball
- Kaboom!
- Millipede
- Miniature Golf
- Miss It
- Missile Command
- Night Driver
- Pac-Man
- Pitfall!
- Pong (Video Olympics)
- Pressure Cooker
- Radar Lock
- Realsports Baseball
- Return to Haunted House
- River Raid
- Saboteur
- Save Mary
- Secret Quest
- Shield Shifter
- Slot Machine
- Solaris
- Space Attack
- Stampede
- Star Ship
- Star Strike
- Stellar Track
- Strip Off
- Submarine Commander
- Super Breakout
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Swordquest: Waterworld
- Tempest
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Video Pinball
- Wizard
- Xevious
- Yars’ Return
- Yars’ Revenge
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback Portable 2018 obsahuje 80 hier.
Dodané hry:[5]
- 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
- Adventure
- Adventure II
- Amidar
- Aquaventure
- Asteroids
- Asteroids Deluxe
- Atari Climber
- Basketball
- Black Jack
- Bowling
- Breakout
- Centipede
- Chase It
- Circus Atari
- Crystal Castles
- Demons to Diamonds
- Desert Falcon
- Dig Dug
- Dodge ‘Em
- Double Dunk
- Escape It
- Fatal Run
- Frog Pond
- Frogger
- Fun with Numbers
- Galaxian
- Golf
- Gravitar
- Gyruss
- H.E.R.O.
- Hangman
- Haunted House
- Human Cannonball
- Kaboom!
- Millipede
- Miniature Golf
- Miss It
- Missile Command
- MotoRodeo
- Night Driver
- Off-the-Wall
- Pac-Man
- Pitfall!
- Pong (Video Olympics)
- Pooyan
- Pressure Cooker
- Radar Lock
- Realsports Baseball
- Realsports Boxing
- Realsports Football
- Realsports Tennis
- Return to Haunted House
- River Raid
- Saboteur
- Save Mary
- Secret Quest
- Shield Shifter
- Slot Machine
- Solaris
- Space Raid
- Sprintmaster
- Star Ship
- Stellar Track
- Strip Off
- Submarine Commander
- Super Breakout
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Swordquest: Waterworld
- Tempest
- Track & Field
- Tutankham
- Video Checkers
- Video Chess
- Video Pinball
- Wizard
- Xevious
- Yars’ Return
- Yars’ Revenge
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Atari Flashback Portable 2019 má zmenený dizajn pripomínajúci drevo a obsahuje rovnaké hry ako Atari Flashback 2018.[6]
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]- ↑ About Bill Loguidice Bill Loguidice is a Founder and Managing Director for Armchair Arcade, as well as a critically acclaimed technology author and journalist. He is also the co-founder of creative services firm, Armchair Creative Services, and a noted videogame and computer historian and subject matter expert. See full bio. Atari Flashback X (2019) – Upgrade to Support External USB Drives [online]., 2019-10-21, [cit. 2019-11-21]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ About Bill Loguidice Bill Loguidice is a Founder and Managing Director for Armchair Arcade, as well as a critically acclaimed technology author and journalist. He is also the co-founder of creative services firm, Armchair Creative Services, and a noted videogame and computer historian and subject matter expert. See full bio. Full Game List for the Atari Flashback X (2019) [online]., 2019-10-30, [cit. 2019-11-21]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ About Bill Loguidice Bill Loguidice is a Founder and Managing Director for Armchair Arcade, as well as a critically acclaimed technology author and journalist. He is also the co-founder of creative services firm, Armchair Creative Services, and a noted videogame and computer historian and subject matter expert. See full bio. Atari Flashback Portable (2016): The Official Game List [online]., 2016-11-13, [cit. 2020-01-10]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ About Bill Loguidice Bill Loguidice is a Founder and Managing Director for Armchair Arcade, as well as a critically acclaimed technology author and journalist. He is also the co-founder of creative services firm, Armchair Creative Services, and a noted videogame and computer historian and subject matter expert. See full bio. Atari Flashback Portable Game Player (2017): The Official Game List [online]., 2017-07-18, [cit. 2020-01-10]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ About Bill Loguidice Bill Loguidice is a Founder and Managing Director for Armchair Arcade, as well as a critically acclaimed technology author and journalist. He is also the co-founder of creative services firm, Armchair Creative Services, and a noted videogame and computer historian and subject matter expert. See full bio. Atari Flashback Portable Game Player (2018): The Official Game List [online]., 2018-11-05, [cit. 2020-01-10]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ About Bill Loguidice Bill Loguidice is a Founder and Managing Director for Armchair Arcade, as well as a critically acclaimed technology author and journalist. He is also the co-founder of creative services firm, Armchair Creative Services, and a noted videogame and computer historian and subject matter expert. See full bio. Full Game List for the Atari Flashback Portable (2019) [online]., 2019-10-31, [cit. 2020-01-10]. Dostupné online.
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článku Atari Flashback series na anglickej Wikipédii.