In the secion for History there is a statement based on a well known but false theory(!) regarding the avar and slavic cooexistence in the region. The statment has no support in findings and also it seems to be some kind of nonsense. ... ad 1.) At Šturovo findings - Avarian cemetery -- there were prepared 280 graves (7.-9.cent.). The number of the graves with traditional slavic cremation (of the bodies) is 0 (zero). All the graves was typical avar graves - with skeletons... ... ad 2.) The avars and the slavs was enemies and there is no evidence that they lived in any period in the same time on the same place. But the opposite is indicated in several documets. (ANNALES REGNI FRANCORUM, Annales Fuldaensis...) --Harsx 22:13, 16. december 2009 (UTC)
Tak to by už pomaly stačilo. Hrajkať sa môžeš ísť inde, píš si blog a nacáp tam všetky teórie, ktoré sa ti páčia a hodia a nezamoruj tu diskusie sprostosťami. Bronto 23:59, 16. december 2009 (UTC)
Chybný názov v maďarčine
[upraviť zdroj]Upozorňujem, že maďarský názov Parkany nie je legálne pomenovanie, pretože toto mesto bolo premenované na Štúrovo. Keď sa mesto po slovensky volalo Parkany, po maďarsky sa hovorilo tiež Parkany. Odkedy je premenované, je Štúrovo jediným platným názvom. -- 00:24, 24. september 2014 (UTC)