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z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie


[upraviť zdroj]

Pojmy „Schultüte“ „Zuckertüte“ sú ekvivalentné. Tento článok na Wikipédii bol založený ako „Zuckertüte“. Je to ešte viac v smere "", pretože: Tradícia pôvodne pochádza zo Saska a Durínska, kde prevládalo slovo "Zuckertüte" - teda slovo je originál. V súčasnosti každý v regióne hovorí „Zuckertüte“. Len na západe tomu hovoria inak. Prijmite teda rozhodnutie pomenovať tento záznam „Zuckertüte“! --Tecumseh*1301 (diskusia) 06:16, 17. november 2024 (UTC)[odpovedať]


[upraviť zdroj]

I understand what your writing, don't get me wrong.

Because you don't live in Germany, you can't know, but since I live here, it's absolutely unusual, almost nobody says „Schultüte“, the vast majority says „Zuckertüte“

and I can actually prove it.

The „Duden“ is the most important reference for anything about German words, right? Every school, every class refers to the Duden, and only the Duden.

The „Häufigkeit“, which means how often a word is used, is categorized into 4 strokes. Which means, that this is not into the detail, the Häufigkeit might have a difference of thousands of entries, still a word would have the same stroke.

It would be a huge difference, if a word would have 1 less stroke than the compared word has.

And this actually is true for „Schultüte“ compared to „Zuckertüte“ - „Schultüte“ has only Häufigkeit 1 while „Zuckertüte“ has Häufigkeit 2,that's a huge gap.

This is the evidence from the Duden. Plus that the word Zuckertütenfest exists only, but no Schultütenfest.

Like I said, if you would live in Germany, we wouldn't even have this discussion, only there were some West Germans writing these Wikipedia articles.

I am now going to move the article back to the real name, please don't change it again, my friend.

--Tecumseh*1301 (diskusia) --Tecumseh*1301 (diskusia) 23:19, 7. december 2024 (UTC)[odpovedať]