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Francois de Menil

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Francois de Menil
americký architekt
Narodenie1945 (78 alebo 79 rokov)

Francois de Menil (* 1945) je americký architekt. Je autorom mnohých občianskych i bytových budov, no zaoberá sa aj dizajnom.

Životopis a kariéra

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Jeho rodičia boli umelecky založení, žijúci v Houstone. Francois de Menil začal svoju kariéru ako dokumentarista. Po réžii významných filmov o umelcoch sa rozhodol vrátiť do školy a pokračovať v štúdiu architektúry a dizajnu.

Francois de Menil získal bakalársky titul architekta v roku 1987 (Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture). Pracoval v ateliéroch Richard Meier & Partners a Kohn Pedersen Fox. V roku 1991 si založil vlastný ateliér FdM:Arch v New Yorku v Spojených štátoch. Menil má licencie v štátoch New York, Texas a v Severnej Karolíne a tiež má certifikát NCARB. Je členom New Yorskej a Texaskej spoločnosti architektov.

Francois de Menil je nositeľom mnohých ocenení za architektúru a dizajn, ktoré sú uverejňované v odborných publikáciách. Podieľal sa na mnohých výstavách a naďalej prednáša na Temple University – School of Architecture vo Philadelphii.

Francois de Menil bol v roku 2001 zvolený do College of Folows of the American Institute of Architects. Je správcom Cooper Union for the Advencement of Science and Arts a taktiež rozhodoval pri množstve architektonických posudkov.

  • Lumen Citation for Lighting Design Excellence – International Illuminating Engineers Society, Carriage House Renovation for a Bachelor, New York
  • Honor Award for Architecture – American Institute of Architects, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Lumen Award for Lighting Design Excellence – International Illuminating Engineers Society, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Engineering Excellence Award – American Consulting Engineers Council, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • New York State Excellence in Design Award – American Institute of Architects, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Honor Award – Texas Society of Architects, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Regional Award, AISC/AIA I.D.E.A.S Award, – Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Special Merit Award – Dupont Benedictus Award for Innovation in Architectural Laminated Glass, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Cultural Enhancement Award – The Museum District Business Alliance, Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum, Houston, Texas
  • Honor Award, Interior Architecture – American Institute of Architects, Bottega Veneta, Copley Place Mall, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Design Award – American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter, Byzantine Fresco Chapel, Houston, Texas
  • Interior Architecture Award – American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter, Esquire Magazine Offices, New York, New York
  • Westside Waterfront Competition – finalista
  • Newsstand 88 Competition – finalista
  • Follies: Fantasy in the Landscape – The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York
  • Snap Shot: Current Houston Design on View – Rice Design Alliance, Houston, Texas
  • Un-Private House – The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
  • Votive: The Byzantine Fresco Chapel – Rice University School of Architecture, Farish Gallery, Houston, Texas
  • Mediation/Meditation: The Byzantine Fresco Chapel – Pratt Institute, Schafler Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
  • The Byzantine Fresco Chapel – Kansas State University, Chang Gallery, Manhattan, Kansas


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  • Od roku 2004 – Temple University–School of Architecture, Philadelphia
  • Emerging Voices 1998 – The Architectural League of New York
  • Mediation/Meditation, Body/Soul: Defining The Sacred in Architecture – The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
  • Point of View – Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Spaces for Reflection and Contemplation – The Architectural League of New York

Vybrané diela

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  • Museum Tower Roof Terrace
  • Elementary School Garden
  • Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum
  • Act II House
  • Carriage House
  • Lake House
  • New York City Apartment
  • Shorthand House
  • Bottega Veneta Shops

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