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Gary P. Radford

z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie
Gary P. Radford
americký pedagóg a spisovateľ
Narodenie1960 (64 alebo 65 rokov)

Gary P. Radford (* 1960) je americký pedagóg a spisovateľ.

  • 1994Telematics and Informatics
  • 1997Transgressing Discourses: Communication and the Voice of Other
  • 1998Flaubert, Foucault and the Bibliotheque Fantastique: Toward a Postmodern Epistemology for Library Science
  • 2002Eco (On Eco)
  • 2004On the Philosophy of Communication
  • 2005Structuralism, post-structuralism, and the library: de Saussure and Foucault

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