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Roy Amara

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Roy Amara
americký prognostik a futurológ
Roy Amara
Narodenie7. apríl 1925
Úmrtie31. december 2007 (82 rokov)
CommonsSpolupracuj na Commons Roy Amara

Roy C. Amara (* 7. apríla 1925 – † 31. decembra 2007) bol americký prognostik a futurológ.

Bol prezidentom konzultačnej a výskumnej firmy Institute for the Future v Menlo Park v Kalifornii v USA. Bol programovým riaditeľom Strategic Decision Group v Menlo Park v Kalifornii v USA. Zastával funkciu viceprezidenta Stanford Research Institute. Zaoberál sa metodológiou prognózovania a futurológie, problémami informačných systémov, technológie a komunikácie, kontrolnými systémami, komunikačnými sieťami, sociálnym prognózovaním a výskumom budúcnosti.

Je autorom a spoluautorom kníh a publikácií

  • Applying the Forecast Criteria to the Next 500 Years (1972)
  • Forecasting: From Conjuctural Art Toward Science (1972)
  • The Futures Field: Functions, Forms and Critical Issues (1974)
  • Some Methods of Futures Research (1975)
  • The Futures Field: Searching for Definitions and Boundaries (1981)
  • The Futures Field: How to Tell Good Work from Bad (1981)
  • The Futures Field: Which Direction Now ? (1981)
  • Toward the Year 2000. National Priorities (1981)
  • Business Planning for an Uncertain Future (spoluautor) (1983)
  • Twelve Emerging Technologies for the 1990s (1986)
  • Looking Ahead at American Health Care


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Amara, Roy, Lipinski, Andrew J.: Business Planning for an Uncertain World. Pergamon, 1983

Kapitoly v knihách

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Amara, Roy: Probing the Future. In: Fowles, Jib (editor): Handbook of Futures Research. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, London, England 1978


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Amara, Roy: Some Methods of Futures Research. Working Paper WP-23. Institute for the Future. Menlo Park, California 1975

Amara, Roy: Toward the Year 2000. National Priorities. Institute for the Future. Menlo Park, California 1981

Amara, Roy: Twelve Emerging Technologies for the 1990s.Institute for the Future. Menlo Park, California 1986

Amara, Roy C.: The Futures Field: Searching for Definitions and Boundaries. Futurist, February 1981

Amara, Roy C.: The Futures Field: How to Tell Good Work from Bad. Futurist, April 1981

Amara, Roy C.: The Futures Field: Which Direction Now ? Futurist, June 1981

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