Zoznam kostolov v Londýne
(Presmerované z Zoznam londýnskych kostolov)
Toto je zoznam sakrálnych stavieb na území britského mesta Londýna a jeho mestských častí.
- All Saints, Camden Town (1824; pôvodný názov bol St Stephen's)
- St George's, Bloomsbury (1731)
- St Giles-in-the-Fields
- St John's Chapel, Bedford Row
- St Michael's, Camden Town (313)
- St Pancras New Church, Euston Road (1822)
- St Pancras Old Church, St Pancras (313)
- Whitefield's Tabernacle, Tottenham Court Road (1756)
- All Hallows-by-the-Tower (675, obnovený v 19. storočí)
- All Hallows-on-the-Wall (1767)
- All Hallows Staining (postavený v 12. storočí; v súčasnosti čiastočne zničený)
- Christ Church Greyfriars, Newgate (1327) (čiastočne zničený)
- St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe, Blackfriars (1695)
- St Andrew, Holborn (1690)
- St Andrew Undershaft, St Mary Axe (1532)
- St Anne and St Agnes, Gresham Street (1680)
- St Augustine, Watling Street (čiastočne zničený)
- St Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield (12. storočie)
- St Bartholomew-the-Less, Smithfield
- St Benet, Paul's Wharf (tiež známy aj ako „St Benet Welsh Church“) (1683)
- St Botolph's Aldgate (1791)
- St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate (1729)
- St Bride's, Fleet Street (1698)
- St Clement, Eastcheap (1687)
- St Dunstan-in-the-East (čiastočne zničený)
- St Dunstan-in-the-West (1833)
- St Edmund the King (1679)
- St Ethelburga, Bishopsgate (1411?)
- St Etheldreda, Ely Place (1251)
- St Giles-without-Cripplegate (cca. 1550)
- St Helen's, Bishopsgate (13. storočie)
- St James, Garlickhythe (1683)
- St Katherine Cree (1631)
- St Lawrence Jewry (1687)
- St Leonard, Foster Lane
- St Magnus-the-Martyr (1676)
- St Margaret Lothbury (1690)
- St Margaret Pattens (1687)
- St Martin, Ludgate (1684)
- St Mary Abchurch (1686)
- St Mary Aldermary (1682)
- St Mary-at-Hill (1676)
- St Mary-le-Bow (1683)
- St Mary Moorfields (1686/1903)
- St Mary Woolnoth (1727)
- St Michael, Cornhill (1672)
- St Michael Paternoster Royal (1694)
- St Nicholas (Cole Abbey), Cole Abbey (1677)
- St Olave, Hart Street (cca. 1450)
- St Paul's Cathedral
- St Peter-upon-Cornhill, Corhnhill (1682)
- St Sepulchre-without-Newgate, Holborn
- St Stephen Walbrook (1677)
- St Vedast alias Foster (1673)
- Temple Church (12. storočie)
- Brompton Oratory, Brompton Road, Knightsbridge (1884)
- Chelsea Old Church (13. storočie)
- Holy Redeemer and St Thomas Moore, Cheyne Row
- Holy Trinity, Brompton (1829)
- St Barnabas, Kensington
- St Columba's, Pont Street (1884)
- St Mary Abbots, Kensington
- St Luke, Sydney Street, Chelsea
- St George's Cathedral, Southwark (1848, prestavaná a znovuotvorená v roku 1958)
- St George the Martyr (1122)
- St Mary's, Rotherhithe (1282)
- Southwark Cathedral (1220)
- Metropolitan Tabernacle (1650)
- Christ Church Spitalfields, Spitalfields (1729)
- St Anne's Limehouse (1730)
- St Dunstan's, Stepney (952)
- St George in the East, Stepney (1729)
- St Mary's, Bow (1311, prestavný v 15. storočí a v 19. storočí)
- All Saints, Margaret Street (1859)
- All Souls, Langham Place (1824)
- Crown Court Church (1711, prestavaný roku 1909)
- St Clement Danes, Strand (1682)
- St George's, Hanover Square (1724)
- St James's, Piccadilly (1684)
- St Margaret's, Westminster (1523; pôvodný kostol pochádza z 12. storočia)
- St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square (1726)
- St Mary-le-Strand, Strand (1717)
- St Paul's, Covent Garden; nazývaný aj Actors' Chruch (1638)
- Westminster Abbey (čiastočne z roku 1065; pôvodný kostol pochádza z roku 616)
- Westminster Cathedral (1903)