Here is a list of articles that can be created about Slovakian games (in red):
- Šach
- Žáby
- Zbieranie Ovocia v Omurovanej Zahrade
- Reverz alebo Othelo
- Rescuer Willy
- Puzzle
- Kuriatko
- Hlavolam Profesora Gardnera
- Auto
- Space Invaders
- Pampúch & Duch
- Space Raiders
- Fuksoft
- Podraz 4
- Dokonalá vražda
- Plutonia
- Sherlock Holmes: Traja Garridebovia
- Stensontron
- Tria
- Bombarder
- La Dame de Monsoreau
- Lodičky
- Stripped
- Cobra
- Tanková bitka
- Robinson
- Categoric
- Black
- Airraid
- Pepsi Cola
- Agent 99
- Podraz 5
- Podraz 6
- Šatochin
- Super Discus
- Kewin I
- Zakliaty zámok programátorov
- Dokonala Vrazda II: Bukapao
- Kewin II
- Mayday
- Something Happened
- F.I.F.O. (First In First Out)
- Genius 18
- Virus 7
- 3D Labyrinth
- Mayday
- Something Happened
- Arkarum
- Podfuk II
- Aknadach
- Double Dash
- Logical Game
- Star Dragon
- Bukapao
- Chrobák Truhlík (Beetle Dim-witt)
- Something Happened 2
- Logic
- Columns
- Conan I aka. Conan a Magicke Diamanty aka. Conan and Magic Diamond
- Axons
- Komando 2
- Notorik
- Octopussy
- Pedro 1 (Pedro on the Pirates' Island)
- Phantom F4 I
- Phantom F4 II
- Prvá Akcia (First Heist)
- Šach-Mat (Check-Mate)
- Sherwood
- Light Cycle II
- Araxon
- Megamix 1
- Gregor
- Invertor
- Light Cycle II
- Skladačka (Puzzle)
- Kliatba Noci (Curse of the Night)
- Pedro 2 (Pedro in the Haunted Castle)
- Pedro 3 (Pedro in the Land of Pyramids)
- Il Noma Della Rosa
- Pick Out 2
- Quadrax
- Towdie
- Delta's Picture Puzzle Collection 1
- Ramonovo kouzlo
- Anatema: Legenda o prekliatí
- Space Invaders
- Krajina tieňov / Twilight
- Mutation of J.B.
- Shadow of the Devil
- Vzbura Dónskych Rytierov / Revolt of Don’s Knights
- Next Space
- Spellcross
- The Strangers
- Johnny Herbert's Grand Prix Championship 1998
- Tlön: A Misty Story
- Ve stínu havrana
- Napalm: The Crimson Crisis
- Stratený ostrov
- Battle Isle: The Andosia War
- State of War
- Chaser
- Empire of Magic
- Command And Destroy
- State of War: Warmonger
- Kult: Heretic Kingdoms
- Navždy v mojich šľapajách
- Dispečer
- Conan
- Plane Arcade
- Krematórium
- Knights of the Temple II
- Shadow Vault
- Chameleon
- Necromania: Trap of Darkness
- Pro Hockey Manager 2005
- Gene Troopers
- Specnaz: Project Wolf
- Neverend
- Biathlon Champion 2007
- The History Channel: Civil War Nation Divided
- Becherself
- Mandy: Vianočná adventúra
- War on Folvos
- Air Conflicts
- The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific
- Vampire World: Port of Death
- Attack on Pearl Harbor
- Život je sviňa
- Soldier of Fortune: Payback
- Gods: Lands of Infinity
- State of War 2: Arcon
- Aquadelic GT
- History Civil War: Secret Missions
- Townopolis
- Empire of the Gods
- Secret Service
- North American Hunting Extravaganza
- WWII Aces
- Jurassic: The Hunted
- Specnaz 2
- District Job
- Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010
- Top Gunner
- Romopolis
- Rec Room Games
- Jakers! Let's Explore
- Alchemia
- Libera Wing
- Megapolis
- Happy Birthday Markt
- Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011
- Ancient Trader
- Animal Ark - Africa
- Aqua
- North American Hunting Extravaganza 2
- Attack on Pearl Harbor Trilogy
- Emporea
- 3bot
- Puzzle Expedition
- Reload
- Air Conflicst: Secret Wars
- Naval Warfare
- Cabela's Adventure Camp
- Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012
- Hockey Arena 2011
- ArkanoArena
- Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Hunting Party
- Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
- Play With Birds
- Jessica's BowWow Bistro
- Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
- Dangerous Hunts 2013
- Big Shopkeeper
- Diggy's Adventure
- Tiliard
- Jessica's BowWow Cafe
- Life in Jar
- Pulse Shift
- Citadels
- Gomo
- Hero of the Kingdom
- Lost Owl
- Espionag3 Berlin Files
- Project Explosion
- Conan
- Guise of the Wolf
- Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms
- Dungeon Heroes
- Chameleon Run
- VoteSlap
- Seaport
- TrainStation
- Frankenstein: Master of Death
- Cube Life: Island Survival
- TankZone Battle
- Jarda in Tatras
- Memex: Space Wars
- Hero of the Kingdom II
- Air Attack 2
- Panda Bomber in Dark Lands
- The Great Wobo Escame
- Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
- On the Farm
- Future Factory
- Biathlon Mania
- Pizza Ninja Story
- Legendarium
- Vegetables Shark
- Tappy Brain Party
- Kotlebstein 3D
- CoLab
- Fable Clinic
- Pocket Animal Go
- Color Pin
- Underground Keeper
- Tennis Mania
- Scéal
- Space Merchants: Arena
- Silent Santa 3
- Doodle Adventures
- Planetstorm: Fallen Horizon
- Color Zen
- Rubik's Cube
- Reaction Game: Hit the Color!
- Tilt of Fury
- Submarine Dash
- Flower Defence
- Halloween Challenge
- Transition
- Dolphin Circle
- Hangman Snake
- Run, Cube Animals
- Coincidence
- Vikings: Wolves of Midgard
- Vaporum
- Echoed World
- Moonfall
- House of Davinci
- City Climber
- Santa on Fire
- King Arthur: Magic Sword
- Rainbow Animals
- Fluff Factory
- Car Puzzler
- Snake Pro: Classic
- Hellmut: The Badass from Hell
- The Legend of Janosik
- The Flood
- Slovakia Up
- Trump Space Invaders
- Beat Saber
- Haraktery
- Egg Time 2
- Hranol zabil Mačku - Finálny súboj
- Curling 2006
- Val'Gor: Dark Lord of Magic
- Ice Princess
- Art Detective
- Plavčan simulator
- ĽSNS - Wild Hunt (Paintball edition)
- Kapitán Andrej
- Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
- Pixel Action Heroes