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Wikipédia:Wiki miluje pamiatky/English

z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie
Súťaž Pravidlá EN 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 Diskusia

Wiki Loves Monuments is an international photography contest in which participants take photos of monuments. Slovak Wikipedia participated in 2012 for the first time and in 2019 we organised the seventh edition of the contest.


First place

Second place

Third place

Winning photos without ranking

How to participate

Find monuments
There are many historical and cultural monuments in Slovakia. You can use lists of national cultural monuments on Slovak Wikipedia to find monuments around you!

Take photos
Take as many photos as you can; try different angles. Even if the photo doesn't win you a prize, it may help Wikipedia!

Describe them
Classify your photos. Record the momument's name, the monument identificator in Register of Slovak National Monuments issued by The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic (if monument is in this register), description, and date of photo.

Upload to Wikimedia Commons
Upload your pics via
this link
through September. Create an account if you don't have one already.
Upload photos

Picture criteria

Contest committee will consider these factors:

  • Technical quality and image perfection
  • Original composition
  • Encyclopaedic value for Wikipedia

Tips and trics for good pictures

  • We recommend taking pictures of monuments that have not been photographed yet, especially the interiors of monuments.
  • Please note that pictures of castles will be disadvantaged because of the large amount of them already existing on Commons.
  • Feel free to set the highest resolution on your camera. Shoot individual monuments multiple times and then choose the best shots. ... Or just upload them all when you can't choose which one is best!
  • Do not forget the identification numbers of national cultural monuments. We recommend that you prepare a list beforehand, as it is much easier than finding these identifiers later.
  • In the case of detailed photographs, e.g. towers, doors, or windows, be sure to take a snapshot of the entire object, so that the two photos can be combined and the context doesn't disappear. Also, the shot of one detail of the object is more easily searchable and identifiable.
  • If you are interested in photographing interiors of monuments, ask in advance if it is possible or if you have to pay for it. Some museums and castles forbid indoor photography, others allow it, but only for your own or non-commercial purposes. In some places, indoor photography is completely allowed.
  • Upload images. When uploading them, it is a good idea to name the file to avoid duplication and make it clear what the subject is. For example place - object - year or object - place - year. Instead of „town hall.jpg“, name the file „Town Hall, Lučenec 2017.jpg“ or „Lučenec, town hall - northern part.jpg“ and so on.